Error handling
The !
syntax is used to signal a potential error raised from a function.
You can use try { ... } catch { ... }
syntax to handle such occasion, or use
syntax to convert the result to Result
, a type representing the
computation result.
pub fn safe_add(i : Int, j : Int) -> Int! {
let signum_i = i & 0x80000000
let signum_j = j & 0x80000000
let result = i + j
if signum_i != signum_j {
} else {
let result_signum = result & 0x80000000
if result_signum != signum_i {
} else {
fn main {
let a = try {
safe_add!(1, 2)
} catch {
_ => panic()
try {
let result = safe_add!(@int.max_value, @int.max_value)
} catch {
Failure(error_message) => println(error_message)
_ => panic()
let result = safe_add?(@int.max_value, @int.max_value)