MoonBit Language Tour MoonBit

Tuple pattern

Use a tuple pattern to match multiple conditions at once.

This example simulates logical and and logical or operations via pattern matching.

In this scenario, the overhead of creating the tuple in the condition will be optimized out by the compiler.

fn logical_and(x : Bool, y : Bool) -> Bool {
  match (x, y) {
    (true, true) => true
    (false, _) => false
    (_, false) => false

fn logical_or(x : Bool, y : Bool) -> Bool {
  match (x, y) {
    (true, _) => true
    (_, true) => true
    _ => false

fn main {
  println("true and false: \{logical_and(true, false)}")
  println("true or false: \{logical_or(true, false)}")