MoonBit Language Tour MoonBit


Option[Char] is an enum that represents a Char value that may or may not be present. It is a common way to handle exceptional cases.

  • None means the value is missing.
  • Some(e) is a wrapper that contains the value e.

The [Char] part in the type is a type parameter, which means the value type in Option is Char. We can use Option[String], Option[Double], etc. We will cover generics later.

The type annotation Option[A] can be shortened to A?.

You can use c1.is_empty() to check if the value is missing and c1.unwrap() to get the value.

fn first_char(s : String) -> Option[Char] {
  if s.length() == 0 {
  } else {

fn main {
  let c1 : Char? = first_char("hello")
  let c2 : Option[Char] = first_char("")
  println("\{c1.is_empty()}, \{c1.unwrap()}")
  println("\{c2.is_empty()}, \{c2}")