MoonBit Language Tour MoonBit

For-in loop

It's cumbersome to write a for loop and manually decide the end condition.

If you want to iterate over a collection, you can use the for .. in ... {} loop.

In the first for-in loop, we iterate over an array. The loop will bind each element to the variable element in each iteration.

We can also iterate over a map with key-value pairs. The second loop will bind the key to the first variable (k) and the value to the second variable (v).

Which collections can be iterated over with a for-in loop? And when does the for-in loop support two variables? The for-in loop functionality actually depends on the API of the collection:

  • If the collection provides an iter() method to return an Iter[V] iterator, then the for-in loop can iterate over it with a single variable.

  • If the collection provides an iter2() method to return an Iter2[K,V] iterator, you can use two variables to iterate over it.

We will explain more details about the iterator in a later chapter.

fn main {
  println("for-in loop:")
  let array = [1, 2, 3]
  for element in array {
    println("element: \{element}")

  println("for-in loop with index:")
  for i, element in array {
    println("index: \{i}, element: \{element}")
  println("for-in loop for map:")
  let map = { "key1": 1, "key2": 2, "key3": 3 }
  for k, v in map {
    println("key: \{k}, value: \{v}")