Integers and floats are the most common types in MoonBit.
s can be represented in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary,
and you can use the underscore to separate digits for better readability.
We call these number literals.
The 0xFFFF
is a hexadecimal number, 0o777
is an octal number, 0b1010
is a binary number,
and 1_000_000
is a decimal number equivalent to 1000000
fn main {
let dec : Int = 1000000
let dec2 : Int = 1_000_000
let hex : Int = 0xFFFF
let oct = 0o777
let bin = 0b1001
println(1 + 2)
println(1 - 2)
println(1 * 2)
println(5 / 2)
println(10 % 3)
let num1 : Double = 3.14
let num2 : Float = 3.14