MoonBit Language Tour MoonBit

Pattern in let and match

There are two common places to use a pattern: let and match.

In this example, we define a Resource type that describes a file system. The Resource can be a text file, an image, or a folder associated with more files.

Pattern in let statement

In a let statement, the left side of = can be a pattern. We know that assets is a folder so we just use let Folder(top_level) = assets to match it and extract the value into the immutable variable top_level.

You may notice that there is a partial match warning because the resource can also be Image or TextFile. Partial matches make the program more fragile: the pattern matching may fail in other cases and lead to the program aborting. Practically, the match expression is used more frequently than the let statement.

Pattern in match expression

The count function traverses the input res recursively and returns the count of Image and TextFile, using a match expression.

Match expressions have first match semantics. They will try to find the first matching pattern sequentially from the first case to the last case and execute the corresponding matched expression. If no pattern matches, the program will abort.

The match expression has an Int return value because all the cases result in the same value type Int.

Patterns can be nested. If you don't care about the data associated with the enum constructor, you can use the any pattern, written as _, instead of introducing a new variable. The underscore means that the value is discarded.

enum Resource {
  Folder(Map[String, Resource])

let assets : Resource = Folder(
    "": TextFile("hello world"),
    "image.jpg": Image("https://someurl1"),
    "folder1": Folder(
        "src1.mbt": TextFile("some code1"),
        "src2.mbt": TextFile("some MoonBit code 2"),
    "folder2": Folder(
        "src3.mbt": TextFile("some code3"),
        "image2.jpg": Image("https://someurl2"),

fn main {
  let Folder(top_level) = assets
  println("we have items in the root folder:\n \{top_level.keys()}")
  println("resource count: \{count(assets)}")

fn count(res : Resource) -> Int {
  match res {
    Folder(map) => {
      let mut sum = 0
      for name, res in map {
        sum += count(res)
    TextFile(_) => 1
    Image(_) => 1